Karsten Maseii Reading July 2019

Earth forgive that which was done to you

when your own sacred heavenly children were ripped away from you violently

without warning from one day to the other.

The ancient native guardians were replaced by those

who did not know where they were or how they ought to act

who did not know the beings whom they trampled with their heavy feet

who moistened their thirsty lips with water

who wafted the air about them

who rang through them to the marrow of their bones

They have remained estranged to the land and the land to them

for their debts have not been balanced and yet shall be balanced

if only the now living ones would will it and look into the eyes of the pain omnipresent

and became conscious of their innate primal power of reconciliation

One generation watches over the other into the future and into the past always

So all the debts remaining in the Earth may let themselves be balanced

if ones becomes conscious of the power that lies within self

lovingly bowing down laying hands on the weeping Earth and speaking:

“Forgive the unjust deeds done unto you which may not remain if humankind

is to walk the truth of their evolving path. I ask you to let go of your pain.

I will weep with you. Let your tears be mine

So peace may come again

Uniting all as sisters and brothers under the heavens of the great Star Mother

Let me cry your tears. I shall let them dry up s l o w l y

Offering their salt for you to see that I am in earnest

And that you can trust those that are and want to be your children.

So Be It.”

Masanobu Fukuoka

The earth is an organically interwoven community of plants, animals, and microorganisms…Although this flux of matter and the cycles of the biosphere can be perceived only through intuition, our unswerving faith in the omnipotence of science has led us to analyze and study these phenomena, raining down destruction upon the world of living things and throwing nature as we see it into disarray.

James Hillman

It is the heart I am trying to awaken in an aesthetic response to the world. The anima mundi is simply not perceived if the organ of this perception remains unconscious by being conceived only as a physical pump or a personal chamber of feelings…Awakening the imagining, sensing heart…cannot be accomplished without moving as well the seat of the soul from brain to heart.

Floyd Red Crow Westerman

“We were told that we would see America come and go. In a sense America is dying, from within, because they forgot the instructions of how to live on earth.Its the Hopi belief, its our belief, that if you are not spiritually connected to the earth, and understand the spiritual reality of how to live on earth, its likely that you will not make it.
Everything is spiritual, everything has a spirit, everything was brought here by the creator, the one creator. Some people call him God, some people call him Buddha, some people call him Allah, some people call him other names. We call him Tunkaschila... Grandfather.
We are here on earth only a few winters, then we go to the spirit world. The spirit world is more real then most of us believe.
The spirit world is everything.Over 95% of our body is water. In order to stay healthy you've got to drink good water. ... Water is sacred, air is sacred.
Our DNA is made out of the same DNA as the tree, the tree breaths what we exhale, we need what the tree exhales. So we have a common destiny with the tree.
We are all from the earth, and when earth, the water, the atmosphere is corrupted then it will create its own reaction. The mother is reacting.
In the Hopi prophecy they say the storms and floods will become greater. To me its not a negative thing to know that there will be great changes. Its not negative, its evolution. When you look at it as evolution, it's time, nothing stays the same.You should learn how to plant something. That is the first connection.
You should treat all things as spirit, realize that we are one family. Its never something like the end. Its like life, there is no end to life”


Stephen Harrod Buhner

Once you come to understand, in your experience, that you are just one life-form among many, that you can meet the other life-forms here in moments of tremendous intimacy, it enable one of the most wondrous of explorations possible. To leave the human world behind, the surface identity of the self, and swim, only one life-form among a multitude, deep into the metaphysical background of the world is to enter a place where we meet there as living beings, identical in nature at the core, similar intelligences, all given birth by Earth, all expressed out of the Ocean of Being into form. And in those moments of touch, we look back at each other with luminous eyes and tell tales of the lives we have lived and the lands we have seen and speak of the commonalities of what it means to be alive on this Earth, kin, all of whom came from common ancestors long ago.

And then…sometimes, in unique moments, deep inside the experience, we slide completely out of our frame and totally into the other’s…and they into ours. We then look onto each other’s eyes - my eyes through your eyes, your eyes through my eyes. Touch with our hearts, your heart, my heart, and mine yours. Here, we experience the deepest possible intimacy that any living being can know. There is a communicatory interblending of soul. Something of the other then resides inside me and something of me inside the other. Like the viral blending of genomes, we become in that moment a part of the other and they a part of us. And when we return to this world, something from the other remains inside us. It makes us truly barbarian, no longer civilized. We are no longer presentable in polite company.

Still…it is possible to go even deeper yet. It is possible to move inside the scenario itself, the place from which all life-forms emerged. It is the place where background becomes foreground, the place where environment is the intelligence encountered, the place where communication of a very different sort begins

Henry David Thoreau

Would it not be a luxury to stand up to one’s chin in some retired swamp for a whole summer’s day?

It is only when we forget all our learning that we begin to know. I do not get nearer by a hair’s breadth to any natural object so long as I presume that I have an introduction to it from some learned man. To conceive of it with a total apprehension I must for the thousandth time approach it as something totally strange. If you would make acquaintance with the ferns you must forget your botany. You must get rid of what is commonly called knowledge of them. Not a single scientific term or distinction is the least to the purpose, for you would fain perceive something, and you must approach the object totally unprejudiced. You must be aware that nothing is what you have taken it to be…You have got to be in a different state from common. Your greatest success will be simply to perceive things as they are.

Frank Herbert

There is in all things a pattern that is part of our universe. It has symmetry, elegance, and grace - those qualities you find always in that which the true artist captures. You can find it in the turning of the seasons, in the way sand trails along a ridge, in the branch clusters of the creosote bush or the patters of its leaves.

Masanobu Fukuoka

In nature, a whole enclosed the parts, and yet a larger whole encloses the whole enclosing the parts. By enlarging our field of view, what is thought of a s whole becomes, in fact, nothing more than one part of a larger whole. Yet another whole encloses this whole in a concentric series that continues on to infinity.

A collection of an infinite number of parts includes an infinite number of unknown parts. These may be represented as an infinite number of gaps, which prevent the whole from ever being completely reassembled.

Western man firmly believed nature to be an entity with an objective reality independent of human consciousness, an entity that man can know through observation, reductive analysis, and reconstruction…in his efforts to learn about nature, man has cut it up in little pieces. He has certainly learned many things in this way, but what he has examined has not been nature itself.

The scientist, unable to see light as anything other than a purely physical phenomenon, is blind to light.

Man is neither in control nor a mere onlooker. He must hold a vision that is in unity with nature.

Manuel Cordova Rios

As my glance wandered in the treetops I became aware of undreamed beauty in the details of the textures of leaves, stems and branches. Every leaf, as my attention settled on it, seemed to glow with a greenish golden light. Unimaginable detail of structure showed. A nearby bird song — the irregular arpeggios of the siete cantos (seven songs) — floated down. Exquisite and shimmering, the song was almost visible. Time seemed suspended; there was only now and now was infinite. I could separate the individual notes of the bird song and savor each in its turn. As the notes of the song were repeated, I floated in a sensation that seemed somewhere between smelling an elusive intoxicating fragrance and tasting a delicate ambrosia.