Earth forgive that which was done to you
when your own sacred heavenly children were ripped away from you violently
without warning from one day to the other.
The ancient native guardians were replaced by those
who did not know where they were or how they ought to act
who did not know the beings whom they trampled with their heavy feet
who moistened their thirsty lips with water
who wafted the air about them
who rang through them to the marrow of their bones
They have remained estranged to the land and the land to them
for their debts have not been balanced and yet shall be balanced
if only the now living ones would will it and look into the eyes of the pain omnipresent
and became conscious of their innate primal power of reconciliation
One generation watches over the other into the future and into the past always
So all the debts remaining in the Earth may let themselves be balanced
if ones becomes conscious of the power that lies within self
lovingly bowing down laying hands on the weeping Earth and speaking:
“Forgive the unjust deeds done unto you which may not remain if humankind
is to walk the truth of their evolving path. I ask you to let go of your pain.
I will weep with you. Let your tears be mine
So peace may come again
Uniting all as sisters and brothers under the heavens of the great Star Mother
Let me cry your tears. I shall let them dry up s l o w l y
Offering their salt for you to see that I am in earnest
And that you can trust those that are and want to be your children.
So Be It.”