Just a little light reading before bed…..
The Secret Teachings of Plants: The Intelligence of the Heart in the Direct Perception of Nature by Stephen Harrod Buhner. A beautifully written, insightful and inspiring book. I highly recommend this book to anyone who seeks to gain a deeper understanding of Nature and our deep connection with all the intelligence found within it. Wonderfully clear explanation of the heart as an organ of perception. This book changed me profoundly.
Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm: Into the Dream of the Earth - Stephen Harrod Buhner’s latest book is mind-boggling good. You will never look at the world in the same way once you read this life-changing discourse of the highly advanced ways Nature interacts and how we can take a plunge into that world. Buhner is an incredible writer, using vast research, his own experience, the works of great geniuses from the past and present, humor and clarity. Another must read from Mr. Buhner.
The School of Elemental Beings by Karsten Masei - I taken a few workshops from Karsten. He is the real deal, full of heart, humor and compassion. His book is a must-read if you want an understanding of the elemental world.
Nature Spirits and Elemental Beings - Working with the Intelligence of Nature by Marko Pogacnik. Marko is very well known in Europe. He travels far and wide teaching and working to heal the land. Wonderful book and another must-read.
Behaving as if the God in All Life Matters by Machaelle Small Wright - Machaelle read about Findhorn in her youth and was so inspired, she declared to herself (and to Nature) that she also wanted to communicate with Nature. She has become a master communicator and her Perelandra Nature Research Center has produced books, flower essences, therapies and a host of other products. She is a wonderful storyteller and her life is an inspiration for all.
Nature as Teacher - New Principles in the Working of Nature by Viktor Schauberger - Viktor Schauberger was one of the great minds of the 20th Century. Better known in Europe, the Austrian forester, inventor and “water wizard” is one of my great heroes when it comes to communicating with Nature. He would go into a trance a water’s edge during which “water would reveal her secrets to me”. His fascinating life and vast accomplishments have been recorded for the ages by Callum Coats. Mr. Coats spent many years with Viktor’s son Walter and has written the definitive compendium of Mr. Schauberger’s theories and work. This is one of six books. I would start here and then read the rest.
The Magic of Findhorn by Paul Hawken - I first read about Findhorn in my 20s and was forever drawn to the world of Nature’s intelligence and the hidden delights and treasures that lie unseen. The folks at Findhorn proved that working directly with Nature’s intelligence can produce amazing results. It is mankind’s destiny to re-establish that connection in order to bring about a new age.
Biomimicry - Innovation Inspired by Nature by Janine M. Benyus - Beautifully written, this iconic book tells the many stories of how scientists, inventors and visionaries are looking to Nature’s intelligence to create products, redesign systems, grow our food and power our lives. This book will inspire the reader with all the incredible ideas and visions in our world.
These are just a few of my favorites. Check back from time to time to see what I have added!